
5 WWE Superstars who should retire in 2015

Professional wrestling was never about those millions of people chanting your name or the fat pay checks that came along. Okay, it was but it wasnt everything. The amount of hard work that was put in by the superstars (Unless you were working for WCW back in the Monday Night wars) is always a big factor when it comes to the wrestling business.The jam packed schedule and demands of the business leech out the every ounce of energy in a wrestlers body and once the limit comes, he has to call it a day.Some superstars out there know the perfect time while some other hangs around for longer than they should. There is handful of names in WWE roster that belong to the latter category and here is a look at them.

#6 Honorable Mention: Daniel Bryan

Personally I would love to see Bryan go on to wrestle another decade, but then again it would only be a selfish dream. The doctors didn’t know what Bryan’s problem was after the surgery and he is taking a big risk by stepping back into the ring again.

The guy deserves immense amount of respect for that courage. Every match and every move for that matter is going to be battle between life and death for Bryan and before it gets too far, he should hang up his wrestling boots. 

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