7 Things WWE wants us to forget about Roman Reigns
WWE wants us to forget some things about ReignsThe career graph of Roman Reigns is an interesting one.He started off as a singles wrestler down in FCW and found some immense amount of success as part of the Shield in NXT and the main roster. He received praise from all over the place and from his Shield days itself; people started tagging him as the next face of WWE.However, when Shield broke up, Reigns received a big push which made the fans turn on him. They started seeing him as John Cena 2.0 and it did not do the Samoan any favors.Reigns did manage to turn around his fortune, but there are certain things that the WWE wants us to forget about Reigns and here is a look at them.
#7 His promos

Roman Reigns is a terrible microphone worker, period.
Despite this fact, WWE tried to put him over as a talker. It backfired on an array of occasions and Reigns was put under the scanner. All of his promos were dissected by the Internet and it created a bad image for Reigns.
Back when he was part of the Shield, Reigns was pushed as a silent muscle. He found great success under the role, but when WWE had him as a singles wrestler, a lot of forced promos came out of the mouth of Reigns.
The silent muscle gimmick was way better and if WWE had used such a gimmick for his singles run, he would’ve been more successful.