7 Worst reinventions in WWE history
The Doctor of Thugonomics!Gimmick changes can often be beneficial to a wrestler. Take The Undertaker’s change from the Gobbeldy Gooker, for example, and see how far the former has come today.Sometimes, though, gimmick changes don’t exactly work out, and oftentimes the new gimmick remains for a negligible time until it is scrapped. This article looks at a few of those instances in which a new gimmick didn’t work for a wrestler.Perhaps it wasn’t popular or the company really didn’t have any creative plans for the gimmick, but whatever reason it may be, it wouldn’t have lasted very long. This is not in any particular order.
#1 A-Train to (Lord) Tensai

In 2004, Matt Bloom was known as A-Train in the WWE, which was after the gimmicks of Prince Albert and Albert. He then left the company and was in Japan for eight years, until he finally returned to WWE in 2012, under a new monicker – Lord Tensai.
The purpose of the gimmick was clear, as in, it had to be something that was terrifying, but clearly, things didn’t go according to plan. Lord Tensai soon became Tensai, and even this didn't bring any success for him, as he was soon demoted from walking over people with the help of his manager and weird green liquid to becoming a dancing oaf’s (Brodus Clay) dancing tag team partner.
It was really bad!