
Dean Ambrose: 8 things that you probably did not know about him

Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose

All three members of the Shield have managed to make a name for themselves as singles superstars. Seth Rollins won the Money in the Bank briefcase, the United States Championship and the WWE championship while Roman Reigns is tagged as the next John Cena. Although these two are well placed to reach the top, Dean Ambrose has been winning over the fans with his stand out gimmick and mannerisms.He hasn’t won many big matches or titles after the Shield’s split but Ambrose has great group of fans behind him. But how well do you know the lunatic fringe? It is a question worth asking at this point of time and here are some things that you probably did not know about Ambrose. 

#8 Selling drugs and surviving in the street

Ambrose had to sell drugs when he was young
Ambrose had to sell drugs when he was young

Ambrose had a rough upbringing. He grew up in the east side of Cincinnati. According to him, his Neighbourhood was a stretch of government housing where he was forced to look after himself. He learned to be independent due to the same but it was a struggle every day. At times, he had to sell drugs to avoid getting beaten and on other occasions, he was pushed around by people.

“It was easy to get the feeling like all the garbage from the city ran down and washed up there, so that gave me a chip on my shoulder very early on,” Ambrose said in an interview. Amidst the struggle, Ambrose found an escape in professional wrestling.

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