
10 cricketers who have got into trouble due to alcohol

James Faulkner is facing a five-match ban due to drink-drive incident in ManchesterThere is nothing like a few cold beers after a match to celebrate or drown away your sorrows and, unless the coach has a team on a wacky diet plan, there generally isn’t much wrong with it either. At times, however, a couple of drinks have turned into full-scale benders that would not have been so fondly remembered the next morning.Englishmen and Australians are the most frequent offenders – at times getting into scraps with each other – demonstrating the ingrained drinking cultures of both countries.Here are 10 cricketers who have got into trouble after having a few too many drinks – with punishments ranging from simple embarrassment to a fair bit worse.

#1 David Warner

David Warner during the press conference

During Australia’s hopeless tour of England in 2013, David Warner made sure to only amplify problems in Birmingham after having an altercation with rival Joe Root in a Walkabout – an Australian-themed bar.

It emerged that Warner had in fact punched Root, apparently due to the Englishman’s impersonations of Hashim Amla with a fake beard (although this was vehemently denied), and subsequently Warner was dropped by Australia for the side’s next Champions Trophy which was ultimately abandoned.

Warner later apologised for his actions and the issue was quickly nipped in the bud, and on the field later that summer he pulled a ball which was caught by Root. He amusingly commented: “Yeah, hooked another one to Rooty.”

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