
5 notable 'pairs' who have given cricket a new look altogether

Peter and Sara McGlashan of New Zealand.Cricket, termed as a ‘gentleman’s game’ has produced some fine, enthralling talents over time. Representatives have come across generations to represent their country, state or even local districts.Although the male section of the society has more dominance over the game, there isn’t any dearth for women representatives, with women’s cricket also gathering some steam and growing.Although many families have seen mostly men from their households playing cricket on the international level, there have been a few families, where even the lady sect has stepped foot on the big level. These are the duo of siblings or even a married pair who have played cricket together. While most countries have mainly had male cricket representatives over time, these pairs have given cricket a new look altogether.

#5 Roger Prideaux and Ruth Westbrook [England]

The only married Test match players. 

Roger Prideaux was an English cricketer, who represented England in just three test matches in a span of one year, from 1968-1969. A genuine opener who was known for his adept stroke making capabilities, he captained the English county team Kent for four years, after which he was elected as the first Chairman of the Professionals Cricket Association(PCA). He married Women’s England cricket team member Ruth Westbrook.

Ruth Westbrook played 11 test matches for the English Women's team in the span of 5-6 years. Immediately after retirement, she took over the role of coaching and managing the team.

The pair of Roger and Ruth are the only married couple to have played Test cricket.

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