
Hell In A Cell 2015 - 3 Things that worked

These two had a hellacious matchYou will remember this Pay Per View for the bloody main event that unravelled. You will remember this for both the Hell In A Cell matches that took place.One had two veterans of the cage in it and the other had two rookies trying to show the world why they are the front runners in grabbing Vince McMahon’s proverbial brass rings.You will also remember this night for the spectacular Divas match, that should more or less prove that there is much talent in the division, just not that much of an investment from the company for the long term.You will also remember it for a spectacular, triumphant return. Here are the 3 things that worked-

#1 The knock out punches

Lesnar lived his gimmick to the tee

The Undertaker made his way to, most probably, his last Hell in a Cell match.

And what followed couldn’t have been possibly predicted by anyone. It was a bloody, bloody match. One that you can’t imagine from someone as old as The Undertaker. Taker took a beating, so did Lesnar, but arguably the most unsettling moment of the match was when Lesnar countered Hell Gate; the same move that rendered him unconscious at Summerslam- with a series of punches.

‘Series’ is an understatement. It seemed like he just would not stop. Undertaker took it all and that was just a part of why this match was so unforgettable. 

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