My top 5 Favorite WWE wrestlers of all time.
After being in existence for nearly 5-6 decades and being the wrestling juggernaut the WWE is, it has seen innumerous wrestlers grace its stage. While some went to become immortals there were some who fizzled out after basking in some initial glory. The ones who went on to become demi gods for their fans, have given everything that is to be given.They kept shifting between a babyface and a heel keeping us on our toes, took on The Authority much to our delight, suffered life-threatening injuries also making dramatic returns much to joy of the fans. These WWE superstars provided total entertainment and hence sheer joy to their fans, young and old alike. So here are my favourite WWE wrestlers, the top five:
#1 Eddie Guerrero
Eduardo Gory “Eddie” Guererro Llanes was a Mexican-American professional wrestler born into the Guerrero family. Guerrero’s most famous gimmick was that of “Latino Heat” , a cunning, crafty and resourceful player who would do anything to win a match. He used the catchphrase “I LIE! I CHEAT! I STEAL!”, which he also used as his entrance theme and also finds a mention in his autobiography “Cheating Death, Stealing Life”.
Despite being a villain for most of his career he was one of the most loved and most admired wrestlers of all time. He was also very highly gifted. The 23 titles he has won during his career shows his wrestling prowess. His duels with Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio were the most memorable and are still remembered by fans.