
5 records the Golden State Warriors set this year

At this point of the season, it is almost becoming tiresome to write about the Warriors and all of their exploits in what they hope will be the most satisfying of record-breaking seasons. However, every time I watch them play, I am immediately filled with joy and appreciation all over again because they are so fun to watch as they whip the ball around on offense, talk, help and recover on defense, and show how much they enjoy playing with each other every night.Put it this way, if you were at the gym trying to get on a pick-up team, you would fight tooth and nail to play with these guys because you would know that you’re going to get some shots, everyone will be working for the same goal (staying on the court as long as possible), and you are never going to have to worry about running smack dab into a pick because someone will always call it out. When you see teams like this play (the Spurs are also in this category), it’s no wonder that they have made records fall by the wayside during this season. They now have their sights set on two more regular season records that would put them in the pantheon of best regular season teams.

#1 24-0 to open the season.

The Warriors  opened the season with a record 24 straight wins

The first record the Warriors made fall this season was the most wins to start a season when they reeled off 24 straight wins at the beginning of the season. It’s not like anybody expected the Warriors to be anything less than the third or fourth best team in the league this year, but when they hit about 15 games without a loss this year, people started to truly realize that this team is absolutely at another level. To make it to 24 wins, you are no doubt going to survive a few games that you had no business winning, and the Warriors are no exception. 

Case in point, when they beat the Brooklyn Nets to win their 11th game of the streak, they had to rely on sheer luck. That came in the form of an Andre Iguodala made three to tie the game followed by a Brook Lopez missed bunny that would have won the game in regulation for the Nets. But if you are destined to be one of the best teams of all time, these are the exact types of games you win and the Warriors find a way to win these games all the time. When the streak finally came to an end on the fifth road game in eight days, the Warriors had given us a glimpse of what was going to come this year.

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