
NBA 2014-15: Top 5 contenders to the title

11 days.That’s all that remains for NBA action to tip-off once again. Once the countdown is past 30, team previews and predictions for the upcoming season are a usual and regular all across the internet. Calling previews/predictions usual will not reduce or stop them as they produce useful insight into the team’s preparation and status prior to the season.So continuing on the trend of predictions, here are the top 5 contedners for the NBA 2014-15 Championship: 

#5 Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors have the talent on the roster to be a legit threat to the Spurs repeating this season provided they remain healthy come Playoff time. They have consistently improved over the last 2 seasons but have not been able to make an impact in the post-season due to injuries to key players.

Without key players, the Warriors still managed to play one of the most exciting brand of basketball in the league, imagine how far they can go if they have a completely roster when its most needed. Their starting line-up of Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, Andre Iguodala, David Less and Andrew Bogut is one of the best balanced in the league in terms of offense and defense.

Couresty of past struggles in the Playoffs they have a second unit which runs pretty deep into their roster. This team is sort of a dark horse contestant for the title as we are only anticipating what is possible when they are fit based on their performance through turmoil and the current pre-season where they are undefeated. 

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