
NBA: Top 5 teams with highest average attendances for the 2013-14 season

The importance of fan support at home and away arenas or grounds is hugely underrated not only in football or basketball but in many other sports as well. Teams always look forward to heading back to their home courts or their home ground where they feel more comfortable to face their opponents, rather than hostile away grounds or road arenas. When it comes to the NBA, the arenas across the country might not stand a chance to compete against the seating numbers of the football grounds of Europe or anywhere else in the world. But being one of the most followed basketball leagues in the world by a big margin, the teams in the NBA do compete for average attendances in a given season. Not suprisingly, it’s often the team’s performance during the season that plays a major role on the number of fans the arena welcomes during games. So here are the franchises that are top 5 in the average attendances category for the just concluded season of 2013-14:

#5 Moda Center - Portland Trail Blazers

Average Attendance – 19,746

The major turnaround in the team’s performance this season after a disappointing 2012-13 campaign saw the crowd turning up in huge numbers to support their team the Trail Blazers. The Moda Center, formerly known as the Rose Garden, is primarily the home court of the Blazers with a maximum capacity of 19,980.

Given the team’s record breaking performance this Playoffs, where the team progressed into the Conference Semifinals round after a drought of 14 years, it was no surprise that the average attendance numbers suggest that close to every game was a sellout.

With the team revamping in the off-season to stregthen its weaknessess – mainly a non-productive bench – expect this franchise to be among the top 5 teams for average attendance next season as well. 

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