Rating the top beatdowns of the WWE Royal Rumble 2016
Excellent back-and-forthAmong the many WWE formulae that have stood the test of time, few are as reliable as the plain old overkill of violence. The patented beatdown of the WWE, be it face-to-face, sneak attack or a gang-up, though divested vis-a-vis the previous eras, still makes for good viewing. Not just because fans vicariously live out their violent tendencies through them, but because of the successive developments. And also because they’re so wickedly entertaining. With a PPV the stature of the Royal Rumble, one was assured of a healthy dose of chaos, and the show didn’t disappoint. So without further ado, let us view which sequence of savagery topped the podium of pandemonium at the Rumble:
#4 League of Nations and Roman Reigns

This spot finds itself a place on the list more out of deference to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship than anything else. It was difficult to judge which was higher – the ignorance of the whole spot or the pops the beatdown received.