
WWE RAW 24th August 2015- 3 things that did not work

Triple HThis was a pleasantly surprising fallout show with WWE only missing a few beats. Mostly, this was a very well executed show.Though, some things went haywire, most of them won’t even matter for some time except the question over what is happening in the Divas division right now, on the main roster. The main roster divas are still a mess. A major mess, to be honest.Otherwise, WWE can rest assured that they did well in following up with what a disappointment Summerslam was. The next few weeks look promising.Here are the 3 things from the night that did not work that well.

#1 Main roster Divas division

A disaster

Seriously, don’t blame the Brooklyn arena for not caring for what was unravelling in front of them. This was major chaos and it’s not like there are no takers for women's wrestling.

It’s just that, there are no more takers for unmotivated, storyline-less segments involving the divas. The Divas division right now is a mess. Not because it has no talent but because the talent is not being used properly. 

Another women’s tag match happened tonight and nobody’s going to remember that.

The only silver lining is that Nikki Bella talked about her reign. That ought to get someone come up and try to take the title from her.

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