The 2 main reasons fan's were upset with Roman Reigns Royal Rumble victory
On January, 25th 2015 the WWE event Royal Rumble took place on the WWE Network. The winner of the Royal Rumble match was Roman Reigns, and it was obvious after the match that fans were not pleased with the outcome. Roman Reigns will now go on to face the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31, but was Roman Reigns the right choice for this match?Fans had a lot to say about the match itself , but the two main arguments being made about the outcome of the Royal Rumble are this....
#2 Fans still want Daniel Bryan
Fans seemed to be most disappointed with the way the Royal Rumble match played out.
Disappointment was shown from both the fans at the event, and from the fans on social media. The disdain for the match began with the very early elimination of Daniel Bryan. The mood seemed very familiar, as it was eerily similar to the 2014 Royal Rumble.
Last year, fans chanted and chanted for Bryan’s entrance into the Rumble, but were let down, because he never showed. This year fans were probably more disappointed, simply because this year fans got him, but lost him in ten minutes.
Fans showed their disappointment for Bryan’s early elimination by chanting his name, and by booing wrestlers they normally wouldn’t boo. The wrestler that was berated the most was Roman Reigns. Everything Roman Reigns did was followed with a sea of boo’s. Roman Reigns was put in a no win situation, there was nothing he could do right.
It is easy to see why WWE fans want Daniel Bryan to be in the main event of this year WrestleMania.
After last year’s WrestleMania, Bryan’s reign as champion only lasted a few months, because he had to relinquish the title due to a neck injury. He never got the opportunity that he and the fans wanted him to have, and that is a long title run.
Daniel Bryan is arguably the most recognizable face in the company, next to John Cena. So it would make sense to give one of the biggest stars, with arguably the biggest fan base, the shot to main event WrestleMania.
Instead the WWE is deciding to go in a new direction. WWE chose to go with Roman Reigns, an unproven main eventer. Maybe it is WWE’s hope that Reigns can usher in a new ERA in professional wrestling, but is that the right choice?
Now there is no doubt that Roman Reigns is the future of the company, but is it smart too try and rush the future?
Daniel Bryan is the here and now in WWE, and the fans are certainly behind him. So instead of trying to make the future happen now, the WWE should let Daniel Bryan take the company to the future at the right pace, because when you try to force something to happen, it usually doesn’t.