
Top 10 Dirtiest NBA Players

This list of Dirtiest NBA Players is also a tribute to the players mentioned who have kept the toughness, both mental and physical alive in the game. With the new rulings featuring no hand checks, the game has of gone relatively easy in terms of scoring. And the fans do miss the "OLD - SCHOOL" fashion of playing the game. Though some of these Dirtiest NBA Players went out of the way to make their path but have always been fun and interesting to watch and cheer for with their cheap tricks and low blows and trash talks and hard fouls and even throwing punches around.These are the guys best known for cheap shots, elbows to the face and tripping intentionally when no one is looking.

#10 Kobe Bryant

Some may argue differently while others may agree vibrantly, Kobe Bryant has been the toughest on floor presence ever, the league has seen. He is known to play both physically and mentally down the strech and does not shy away from contacts during offense.

He is a classic sneaky kind of player. Elbowing his matchup in the throat to create space for his shot, slapping them on the follow through after his jump shot, Bryant constantly abuses his opponents physically.

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