
Top 10 Stables in Professional Wrestling history

Call it a stable, faction, gang or whatever name that might rise, but a group of wrestlers coming together and giving a name for themselves was always a cool thing in professional wrestling.Over the years,many such groups went through WWE with some making their mark permanently while others failed to live up to the expectations.In the current roster also WWE seems to be employing the same formula of having stables fight it out as we see the likes of Shield, Evolution and Wyatt Family having a firm foothold in the main event scene.Though it will still be premature to say where Wyatt Family and Shield will stand as the years pass by, they will have standards that need to be maintained in order to rank up there. So here is a look at some of the best stables from yesteryears that has left the bar high for teams like Shield and Wyatt family.

#10 The Nation of Domination

The heel force which gave the platform for Rock, the Nation of Dominance thrived on racial grounds. The group was originally headed by Faarooq and had D’Lo Brown, Rock, Mark Henry and Ahmed Johnson as its major members.

Rock eventually turned out to be the star of the faction and kicked out Faarooq to become the unofficial leader. D’Lo Brown and Mark Henry also had a good push as a part of the Nation of Dominance as well.

They were just practically some bullies who believed that only the good looking people could make it in WWE and was willing to take out anyone that crossed their path.

Though they didn’t have many memorable feuds, the fact that it was the reason why Rock rose up the rank is enough to know the value of his stable. 

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