
Top 5 cricket captains who never won a World Cup in last decade

One of the most nerve-wrecking ordeals in sport is being the captain of a cricket team. As fortunes fluctuate with a wink of an eye, captains have no option but to expect the unexpected. The game of glorious uncertainties cricket, often pushes the captain into a quandary, but when the going gets tough, the tough get going and with a head sans muddle, the sailor (captain) guides the crew along tempestuous seas.In a sport where new captains are thrown into limelight week in and week out, some stand out conspicuous by absorbing the pressure and producing the goods. With a provincial view we often tend to judge a captain by his results and fail to recall those who undergo intolerable levels of hardship to resurrect a team from doldrums.Let us gaze through those captains who kept the flag flying high for their nations during testing times.

#5 Nasser Hussain

A pugnacious captain and a solid batsman who made the English look like the real lions. A captain par excellence, the lad from Chennai took over the reins from Alec Stewart in the year of 1999. A leader who curbed his volatile nature to lead his side with flair which was a rarity among English skippers. An intrepid and a stubborn leader who refurbished the English as a potent force in world cricket as he handed Michael Vaughan with a team which enabled the latter to regain the Ashes after almost two decades.

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