Top 5 Summerslam matches from the Attitude Era
The Original TLC match took full form at SummerslamThe Attitude Era officially kicked off Circa late 1997 and continued till 2002, at the time or after WWE lost the lawsuit to the World Wildlife Fund from using their company’s name in acronym form. The ‘Get The F Out’ campaign began and triggered the end of the Attitude Era.Despite its questionable content, the Attitude Era was the most profitable era for the company which had Stone Cold as the biggest star not just of that era but in all of the company’s mainstream history.As Summerslam 2015 inches forward, it is only apt to reminiscence about the PPV in said era.Here are the 5 greatest Summerslam matches from the Attitude Era-
#5 Test vs Shane McMahon
The reason behind this match could only be convincing in the realm of the WWE. Test and Stephanie McMahon were once a couple and McMahon’s brother disapproved of this relationship. The obvious argument in everyone’s mind was that Stephanie’s life is none of his business so big brother played the heel, and the fans ate it up and licked their fingers.
And just like his sister and father, Shane McMahon is not a technician but he certainly delivers in every match that he’s been a part of. This was right up his alley with all the hardcore match stipulations.
There were leaps and dives and painful exchanges but in the end Test came out victorious, much to Stephanie’s delight.