Top 5 times WWE wrestlers over 50 took scary bumps
The battered ‘Icon’Whether it is in WWE or somewhere else in the world, there are people off all ages taking wrestling bumps or spots. Even if those people are not properly trained.WWE and every other major company tell people to not try things at home, and while most of us follow those instructions, not everyone does. There are some who have no need to be in a wrestling ring while others have reached a limit.A lot of the time, WWE and especially Indy companies allow older wrestlers the opportunity to wrestle a match. This is okay at times, but a lot of the time a wrestler has no idea when the time is up on their career. WWE is nice enough to retire certain people or tell them they will not longer allow them to perform. Meanwhile, your average Indy worker isn’t as nice when a top star wants to come in and perform.Whoever makes the money, right?In this list, we decided to find moments in time that people worked a match over the age of 50 and did something crazy or very scary in a wrestling ring. Many wrestlers do crazy bumps that surprise us. Some of them do bumps that no one should do. However, veterans always think they can do these moves. They aren’t always right. Enjoy as we count down the top 5 times a WWE wrestler took a scary bump.
#1 Terry Funk can\'t say No
ECW made a comeback to WWE when WWE saw the potential it had in 2005. They decided to do a PPV called ECW One Night Stand where older ECW stars would have a chance to perform in an ECW ring.
WWE saw the potential in ECW was still there and decided in 2006 to give it the group it’s own brand to play with. While the old ECW was there for a while, it was nothing like the old and fans were eventually turned off by it. However the One Night Stand PPVs with ECW were beloved by ECW fans. Everyone knew that in order to have a proper ECW show, we would need to have hardcore legends and ECW’s top stars on the show. in 2006, it was WWE vs ECW.
This PPV was terrific, but had one match that scared the hell out of wrestling fans everywhere. Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer faced off with the unlikely alliance of Edge and Mick Foley at One Night Stand 2006. Funk was in his 60’s at the time.
It was felt that since Edge was one of the best and safest men to work with, he would work with Funk a lot. On top of this, both Dreamer and Funk trusted Foley. This made what the men did to each other a thing that wouldn’t be held against them.
Everyone got beaten up in this match. However, the entire match was as hardcore as it got. Funk ended up going into barbwire tables on a number of occasions and taking moves no man should take today....even those in their prime. The match eventually turned into a 3 on 3 intergender match with Lita helping Edge and Foley take on Funk and Dreamer with Beulah Mcgillicutty who also happened to be Dreamer’s real life wife.
A memorable spot in the match was Lita taking a Death Valley Driver and Edge spearing Beulah. The match got way out of hand and it was capped off with Edge pinning Beulah in a miliary sex position to end the night for all 6 competitors.