
Top 5 WWE Rumors of the Week : 15 June, 2014

The rumor mill was back in full swing this week after the WWE managed to make the headlines with their ventures and developments in the company.Like most of the weeks, a majority of the rumors revolved around the way in which the company could book their precious assets in the company. Then there were the usual dose of potential new signing and main roster call ups.As usual, we are going to look at the most interesting ones from the lot and see how they could turn out if the rumors materialize in the near future. So here are the top five rumors of the week and their analysis.

#5 Marriage on Friday the 13th

The rumor is that CM Punk and AJ Lee tied the knot on Friday the 13th in a function which is yet to be confirmed.

It’s been sometime since the two have decided to get married but didn’t let anyone know about the time or place of the marriage. Apparently Punk doesn’t want some sort of WWE marriage like Bryan did and has been keeping low on the matter.

For the fans that are waiting for him to return, they might have to settle for Mrs. Punk rather than mister as AJ is sure to return soon after the marriage.

Punk is long gone from the WWE but there are still rays of hopes around the Internet Wrestling Community which tell them that Punk might return one day.

And the marriage, it’s not going to do any difference if it really happened. 

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