
5 Top moves of The Undertaker

Here, we will look at the 5 top moves of The Undertaker.In an era where wrestlers have found it hard to establish themselves as main eventers, one superstar has managed to defy the odds. He has been perhaps the most talented in ring performer the industry has ever seen. His streak, his legacy, his skills set and his attitude will always remain unconquered. He is, the phenomenal Undertaker. For over two decades, the Undertaker has dominated the ring. Let us pay homage to the deadman and take a look at some of his most impressive offences.

#1 The Choke slam

This is one of the most commonly used moves in the WWE. Generally larger athletes like Kane, Big Show and Great Khali have used this move to great effect. But, perhaps no one will ever make it look more attractive and deadly like the Undertaker.

The chokeslam has been a part of the deadman’s armoury for a long time. He generally utilizes it to put his opponents to rest before connecting the dreaded tombstone, which you will see later on the list.

The move involves catching hold of your opponent’s neck and lifting him in the air before slamming him onto the canvas. The Undertaker has choke-slammed even the likes of Big Show, Vader, Mark Henry and made it look like it was just another day in the office.

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