
Tough Enough 2015- 3 points to note from episode 5

One thing is for keeps- the post production team which creates all the promos and intros for the WWE are the MVPs. The intro to Tough Enough is probably the best part of Tough Enough. It really makes you want to watch it and be a part of it. But when the show actually starts rolling, you feel otherwise. One has to agree when legends like Mick Foley have to tune off from such a show.Despite some major names associated iwth the show and many major names making an appearance every week, it still lacks that hookHere are the 3 points to note from Episode 5

#1 Too many people

Actually, it’s a problem WWE often has. How to make a significant show in a particular amount of time. Given all the major names like Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Hulk Hogan, Paige, Lita, Booker T and Billy Gunn involved, the show takes its time to make all of their parts play out in some way or the other.

But it just rushes through everything. Be it the guest appearance of Big Show, be it showcasing Patrick’s said ‘arrogance’ or just recapping and reviewing what’s taking place. There are just too many jumps to make any imprint in the mind or eyes of the viewer.

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