
10 Most important transformations in pro wrestling history

Learning to evolve is quite arguably the best ammunition that a wrestler could have in his arsenal. The Wrestling industry undergoes changes at a rapid rate and if anyone fails to adapt with these changing winds, then he or she is destined to doom. And coming up with a transformation is only half the job done.The big task is making it work with the wrestling fans. The fans will embrace some of these changes while the others will end up being disastrous. In the rich history of WWE, there has been certain such transformation that ended up changing the face of the business and we take a look at them in the list. 

#11 Rebel to Authority

It is funny how the wrestling business works. Back during the Attitude Era, Triple H was a rebel in the D generation X that did everything against Authority. He was never a suit guy but look at him now.

The transformation of Triple H has been monumental and at the same time, it has been important. His first run, as part of DX was one of the most entertaining aspects of the Attitude Era while his current run as part of the Authority has been equally important to the PG era.

He did have a brief stint in power during the McMahon – Helmsley era back then, but still, it was nowhere near what he is doing now. Keeping the transformation apart, Triple H deserves some credit for staying updated in the business and of course, for marrying the daughter of Vince McMahon. 

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