13 most shocking WWE rumours ever
Rumours are always fun as long as it's not about us.Professional wrestling is almost synonymous with rumours. Ever since the internet came into prevalence, the sheer amount of rumours going around about the wrestling business has been on a constant rise.Some of them made a lot of sense and materialised as well. However, there was always the other category of rumours that shocked us and blurred the line between reality and kayfabe.A lot of them were resolved, but there are still some unbelievable rumours out there that make the WWE fans scratch their head.All of these may sound either utterly ridiculous or extremely shocking; we, as fans, always find pleasure in peeking into a wrestler’s personal life. So here is a look at some of the most shocking WWE rumours ever.
#1 The Montreal screw job was fake
Professional wrestling is at its best when fans are not able to tell between what’s real and kayfabe. ECW was a pioneer in this, and that’s why they are still celebrated even after a decade since its extinction.
WWE also had some moments like this, and to top of that list is the infamous Montreal Screwjob. The incident is well recorded, and repeating what happened once again would be redundant.
Now everyone thinks that it was real, but what if it was just part of a work?
There are a lot of indications that suggest the Montreal Screwjob was indeed fake. And if someone comes out and admits it, it would go down in history as one of the best swerves that WWE has pulled off on its fans.