
2014 Year in Review: The Best and Worst of the WWE

While regular people would be hoping to get a new car or a new house in 2015, the wrestling fans out there would be hoping to see some better booking from WWE as 2014 turned out to be a disappointment to say the least.To get the facts right, there were a lot of great moments in the year but since the bad things outweighed the good ones, we could conclude with confidence that Vince McMahon screwed up big time this year.A New Year celebration might not be enough to change the view point of Vince but hope is always a good thing for the fans. But before we embark on the journey of 2015, here is a look at the best and worst from the year that passed by.

#10 Feud of the year

Almost all the feuds that WWE built this year had some immense amount of potential. It was the execution of the same that decided their faith. Daniel Bryan’s angle with the Authority or Bray Wyatt was among the best while the Shield vs. Evolution feud also produced solid action.

It required something extraordinary to outclass all the storylines and the Seth Rollins – Dean Ambrose feud did just that. Both men were charged emotionally after the Shield’s break up and the in ring action was top notch as well.

When it comes to the worst feud of the year there will be a plethora of candidates with the winner by a great margin being the Sibling angle between the Bellas. It lacked from the start itself and WWE buried it big time like the usual botches.

Best feud: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

Worst Feud: Brie Bella vs. Nikki Bella 

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