
5 Best Ways in which WWE can use UFC Women's champion Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey is arguably the best womens MMA fighter who has set foot in the sport. Beyond that superlative tag, Rousey is an Olympic bronze medalist and is no stranger to Hollywood as well after securing deals for the latest installment of Fast and Furious and Expendables franchises.However, one thing which makes Rousey special among the WWE fans is the love that she has for the business. Rousey has been vocal about how she follows the WWE and reacted to almost all the big things which happened in the company.All these have led to a plethora of rumors suggesting her possible move to Vince McMahons promotion. Its going to be great deal if it happens and here is a look at the best ways in which WWE could make use of her.

#5 Total Divas

This might sound like a waste of talent but business wise, this would be the right choice. First of all, the fans that aren’t familiar with Rousey would have a tough time adapting to seeing her treated with a silver spoon.

To avoid that the company could let her have some time in the Total Divas and let the fans know who she is before they let her do some physical contributions.

Secondly, Rousey could act a bit and kick some rear at the same like the other Total Divas star making her an apt choice for the show.

And lastly, her star power will make the show sell even more as the UFC fans will be eager to see what the show is all about and what Rousey is doing there. 

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