5 feuds for the the Wyatt Family in 2016
2016 – The year of the Buzzards?The Wyatt family is the best monster heel stable of wrestlers in the WWE today. However, ever since their debut more than three years ago, the Wyatts have battled almost every superstar that matters in the WWE.Where are the fresh angles for the Wyatts to continue along their path of destruction? Will the family finally split up for good in 2016. This list takes a look at the five feuds that the Wyatts can have in the new year.
#1 Brock Lesnar

The most obvious choice.
Ever since the Wyatt family flattened the Beast, speculation has been on the rise that it would eventually lead up to an angle between Bray and Brock, possibly at Wrestlemania. The seeds would possibly be planted at the Royal Rumble if Bray eliminates Lesnar.
The Beast could go on a rampage, taking out all the members of the Wyatt family entering into Wrestlemania and get the better of Bray as well, after a tough contest, of course. Imagine Paul Heyman vs Bray on the mike!!!
This feud should happen for that alone.