
5 little-known facts about Cesaro

 Cesaro – An in-ring geniusIt is beyond doubt that Cesaro is one of the most exceptionally talented wrestlers in the world. As mentioned countless times before, he makes wrestling look beautiful.Even with the formula WWE gives to every wrestler to fix their own style and perform a specific set of moves night in and night out, his moves never cease to entertain. He is also one of those performers who've been tremendously underutilized.Given the talent he posseses, one could easily picture him holding the biggest prize in wrestling. He's had a few pushes that have gone nowhere, but watching Cesaro wrestle is a treat on its own, even if he loses. The Cesaro section is proof that this guy is an asset to the WWE.Here are the five little-known facts about the Swiss Superman-

#5 UFO

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Cesaro performs a wide range of moves that in this day and age are quite rare. He even makes simple moves look majestic.

The European uppercuts, suplexes from the ropes and his many ways of countering a move are all splendid. There is this one move, though, that his many fans have been raving about and yearning to watch him perform in the WWE.

That move is called the UFO- short for Unidentified Flying Opponent.

It basically entails him pulling his opponent and putting him in a backbreaker position upon his shoulder and spinning him. That may seem simple, but then he does that without holding the opponent with his hands, that makes it an innovative maneover.






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