
5 Little Known Facts About Ryback

Ryback after trainingThe Big Guy has been a big deal ever since he started squashing local jobbers in the WWE.He has been made to look like a huge deal by the management that puts their belief in him firmly. But a lot has gone into making “The Big Guy” the way he is. He’s determined and motivated and he’s gone through several injuries and moments that speak a lot about a pro wrestler’s life away from all of its theatrical attributions.There are many things that, despite the social media boom in the WWE, you may not know about its performers.Here are the 5 little known facts about Ryback-

#5 A guest bell ringer

Ryback was once a guest bell ringer for the WWE

Like so many of us wrestling fans, Ryback was quite young when he got interested in the world of wrestling.

But unlike many of us, he actually got one of the best seats to watch a WWE show. Long ago when he was 12, he was anointed as a guest bell ringer at a live event of the then-named World Wrestling Federation. For a little kid who’d been a fan of wrestling, that has to be a moment of a lifetime.

That experience may have reinstated the determintaion in him to become a professional wrestler later on in life. 

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