
5 Modern Day Equivalents of Past WWE Superstars

No matter how original a gimmick is, there will always be comparisons to the past. The current crop of WWE roster is no different. The PG era has drawn a lot of criticisms due to the lack of innovative and rooted characters and this might be one of the prime reasons for never ending comparisons.On the bigger picture, a handful of current superstars do give us a blast from the past. One way or the other, they might be inspired to be like their childhood heroes or it might just be another coincidence in the wrestling business. Either way, here is a look at the modern day WWE superstars who remind us about one or two faces from the past. 

#6 Honorable Mention: Rusev All those foreign monster heels

This is actually a no brainer. WWE has produced a plethora of Anti-American heels and it is hard to distinguish one from another and Rusev belongs to that list as well. 

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