5 possible names for Roman Reigns' next challenger?
Vince McMahon still knows a thing or two about writing a wrestling program that works. Monday night’s RAW program was proof that the creative genius and owner of WWE needs to become more involved in plot lines, story building and creating an environment that keeps fans in the seats and glued to the television.In one of the final Monday night shows of the year, McMahon did the unthinkable by challenging Monday Night Football with of all things a WWE World Title change. Leave it to McMahon to push all the right buttons, feed off the Philadelphia crowd and do what is best for business by putting Reigns over as the new face of the company that was built on change when Hulk Hogan replaced Bob Backlund as the company champion over 30 years ago.The fact Reigns was able to get over with the fans in Philadelphia, the same town that booed his Royal Rumble victory 12 months ago is nothing short of a miracle.Now, with Reigns as the lead dog and his best friend Dean Ambrose as the Intercontinental Champion, look for McMahon to keep his foot on the accelerator heading into the Royal Rumble in six weeks and on the road to WrestleMania 32 in Dallas.Sheamus and his cronies in the League of Nations should have something to say about Reigns and how he disposed of the faction Monday night. Who becomes the next challenger to Reigns and his new found title is the next step in the process of building the perfect beast.Here is a list of contenders who could make things interesting over the next four months.
#1 Dean Ambrose

This is the penultimate dream scenario for fans and the wrestling world.
In order for it to happen, a few things have to take place. The brotherhood or bromance has to end with these two superstars. Ambrose would have to turn heel. The story would have to build where the “turn” needs to happen right after Royal Rumble and after Ambrose wins the right to go to the main event at WrestleMania 32.
It’s not as dramatic as other heel turns and friendship turns, but it could be done in such a way that the fans get behind both favorites.
It could also be a situation where both babyfaces face off in an epic three-match series.