
5 reasons that make Seth Rollins a old school booker's dream heel

Seth Rollins shocked the world and, as Michael Cole succinctly put it, made the heist of the century by cashing in his Money In The Bank contract at Wrestlemania and winning the biggest prize that WWE has to offer. What a year it has been for Rollins who kickstarted his singles career in the main roster by pulling off another shocking move and betraying his Shield brothers. He won the Money In The Bank contract, had the feud of the year with Dean Ambrose and is now one of the best heels on the main roster.Who could have thought, seeing his journey in FCW that he could become such a convincing heel.Here are 5 reasons that make Seth Rollins a old school booker's dream heel

#5 The look

When Paul Heyman went on to deliver another great promo on his second straight Raw after Wrestlemania, you believed and felt every word that was uttered from his mouth. He described Seth Rollins, with utter antipathy as ‘slimy, disgusting, little Seth Rollins’ you agreed with him and yet enjoyed the fact that Seth Rollins has evolved and adapted so well to deserve that description.

He has been two faced for the past one year. He betrayed his brothers, he betrayed Randy Orton while in the Authority and just look at his hairstyle- two colors. That third fact may be comical to magnify upon but still, how fitting is his look for being a heel?!

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