5 Reasons why a Dean Ambrose victory at Fastlane would be best for business
Despite being the underdog, having Dean Ambrose pull off an upset victory may indeed be what the WWE needsAlthough much of the booking done by the WWE Creative recently has been whimsical and inconsistent, they have quite effectively plastered over the cracks by frequently serving up the “Best for Business” mantra to get away with it.And coming off their painstakingly laborious efforts to wrest the WWE World Heavyweight Championship off Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble, the audience were yet again left beguiled as to why exactly the Authority would induce him into the title mix right after.But as it stands, Roman Reigns squares up against his fellow babyfaces Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar in a Triple Threat showdown at Fastlane, to decide which wrestler would earn the right to face Triple H in the main event of Wrestlemania.While it is the worst kept secret that the Samoan is being groomed as the next top babyface in the company, giving him a clean win at the pay-per-view may be counter productive, especially since both Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar are fervoured fan-favourites.With a feud believed to be brewing between Brock Lesnar and Bray Wyatt, and the fans a far cry from being sold on Roman Reigns as yet, here then are 5 reasons why letting a dream scenario play out and having Dean Ambrose emerge victorious at Fastlane could actually be best for business.
#5 Home Ground

The WWE can be comfortable with having Dean Ambrose win, knowing that the crowd is bound to be hot for him
The WWE has yet again underlined the impetus of Fastlane as much more than merely a stop-gap event after Royal Rumble, with the winner of the Triple Threat match procuring a berth in the main event of Wrestlemania against the Cerebral Assasin.
And although we head into the event itself resigned to the eventuality of a Roman Reigns victory, the company could still decide to pull of a swerve at the last moment by having any of the other two competitors emerge victorious.
After all, since the event is scheduled to take place in Ohio – the home state of Dean Ambrose – it is very likely that the reaction to him is bound to be vociferous to say the least; a dynamic that would indeed sit well with the WWE should they choose to have him win.
While Creative is reportedly bent upon setting Reigns up to attain the Wrestlemania moment that was soured for him last year, they would likely have to take into account that a raucous pro-Ambrose crowd may not ideally provide the most suitable backdrop for their plans.