5 Reasons why Fastlane may become a relevant PPV
The newest PPV which replaces Elimination Chamber makes it way in a couple of days. It may be the final point until things are made official backstage as to what is up with the final match card at Wrestlemania. Given its placement between Wrestlemania and Royal Rumble, this PPV may just become as relevant as Elimination Chamber was or No Way Out was. And WWE is making sure that the audience tunes in on Sunday to see many stories continue and unravel.Here are 5 reasons why Fastlane may become a relevant PPV-
#5 The End is near?
Rusev’s streak is not as legendary as Goldberg’s winning streak in WCW or the even more legendary Streak of The Undertaker. But it’s still something that is an extension of his gimmick. And it has given him some credibility in addition to his good performances in the ring and Lana’s promo skills. Despite all of that he’s up against the face who runs the place. John Cena has faced many a rising talent in the WWE but only a few have been able to create that magic of a spellbinding feud with him. Rusev may not win or lose on Sunday but his booking will tell what is set for him at Wrestlemania and beyond.