
5 Superstars who kicked out of the Rock Bottom

The Rock BottomThe Rock Bottom is one of the most stylish finishing moves of all time. It’s simple, it’s iconic and it’s beautiful to watch. The Rock has won most of his matches with this move itself. He’s won championships, non- title singles matches, iconic matches and what not by executing this single manoeuvre.So, obviously, not many superstars have been able to kick out of this move. But there have been a rare breed of wrestlers who have. Not many can boast of that happening but some surely can. Those are the elite few in the WWE and they so happen to be some of the biggest names.Here are the top 5-

#1 Stone Cold Steve Austin

Wrestlemania 19

Stone Cold is a pivotal part of The Rock’s career and vice versa. These two were the biggest names from an era that had so, so many big names and main event level talents. The rivalry between these two is legendary. These even stole each other's finishers and made that a trending thing for other rivalries in the future.

Their last match at Wrestlemania was also Steve Austin’s last competitive singles match at Wrestlemania. And it took three rock bottoms to hold the Rattlesnake down for a three count.

Their rivalry is so long and decorated that kicking out of each other;s finishing moves is quite expected. 

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