5 talking points from John Cena vs. Seth Rollins match at SummerSlam
WWE World Heavyweight Champion and US Champion-Seth RollinsSeth Rollins did something spectacular at the SummerSlam PPV. He became the first man in the history of the company to win both WWE World Heavyweight Championship and the US Championship. The match may have ended in chaos but Cena and Rollins managed to produce a great match at SummerSlam.Some liked the way in which the match ended but some others didn't appreciate that. However there are 5 things that impressed everyone. Let us have a look at them-
#5 Attire of the Champion

Let us begin with something that happens before the match begins- It's the entrance of the superstars. Seth's appearance in this match surprised everyone in the arena. Contrary to his usual black wrestling gear, Rollins showed up in a brand new white wrestling gear.
It is not uncommon for the WWE superstars to change their wrestling gear on some special occasions. This match was obviously a big one for Rollins and the new attire surely symbolized a special occasion and added to the champ's looks.