
Battleground 2015 - 5 cool things from Rollins Vs Lesnar

This match was certainly not a match between equals. Well, it was obviously not booked that way. Rollins was the one who for weeks scurried away from the Beast. Lesnar took out his whole stable and when he walked to the ring with Paul Heyman, he was clearly excited to devour on his prey.Anyway, the match saw the usual introduction to Suplex City and some offense from Seth Rollins, but Lesnar did not win and Rollins did not lose his title.All because of one man who decided to take his revenge more than a year later.Here are the 5 coolest things that happened during the main event.

#5 Hurdling over a barricade

Not getting away

Brock Lesnar is one of the few athletes in the realm of sports entertainment who can make a simple act look glorious. One simple move can get a mammoth reaction from his very attentive audience.

Case in point, at Battleground, Seth Rollins again tried to run away from The Beast but Brock Lesnar caught up to him. How? He got out of the ring, ran and hurdled over the barricade and caught on to the champ.

It was so seamless, so effortless for a man of his build. It certainly deserved a rewatch which it did get.

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