
Best tag team finishers in wrestling history

It’s been nostalgic to witness the 3D in a WWE ring againA tag team is as good as their finishing manoeuvre. So which Pro wrestling tag team has the best finisher of them all?We take a look at the top 5 greatest finishing moves in Pro-wrestling history. Only legitimate moves are included in this list – (Sorry Edge and Christian, the Con-Chairto doesn't find a mention here).Honourable mentions go to the Hart attack by the Hart Foundation, Snapshot by MNM and the Force of Nature by TNA wrestlers the American Wolves.

#5 DoomsDay Device - Road Warriors

The Road Warriors have been considered as one of the greatest tag teams of all time. Innovators of the face paint, spiked ring attires and power moves, their finishing move was so deadly that it is fondly remebered by wrestling fans even after 30 years of its introduction.

Known as the DoomsDay Device, the move terrorised opponents and got the fans on their feet at a time when usual tag team finishers used to be double standing leg drops.

Animal would lift the unfortunate opponent over his head in an electric chair position where as Hawk would climb up the to rope and deliver a flying clothesline. The move looked deadly and given the stiffness with which the Warriors worked, hurt like hell as well.

Making their debut in Georgia Championship Wrestling in 1980 under the management of Paul Ellering, Hawk and Animal had such an imposing aura around them that they bulldozed through the tag team division in virtually no time, winning the NWA Tag team titles four times with the promotion.

They would make their presence felt in various other promotions including NWA, WCW, NJPW and WWF/E as well.

Their final televised match would take place in May 2003 when they returned for a night to WWE to face Kane and Rob Van Dam to a rousing ovation. Hawk would tragically pass away five months later.


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