Famous chants currently in the WWE
The WWE universe are a bunch of guys who will probably stop at nothing when it comes to voicing out their opinion. Whether the authority likes it or not, they will leave no stone unturned in speaking their mind out.If you have probably never watched the sport before and tune into it for the first time, you will easily segregate the good guys from the bad ones or the face from the heels with the reaction they attract from the WWE universe.Over the years, there have been a lot of chants that have attained 'cult' status in the WWE. However, with the 'PG' era still in progress, the fans have toned down their chants to suit the need of the hour. So, let us have a look at some of the popular fan chants we hear in modern times.
#1 What?
This is by far the most popular chant ever in the WWE. A chant popularized by one of the greatest superstars to step foot in the WWE ring, ie "The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Everytime Austin stepped foot into the ring, he always had a mouthful to say to the 'anticipating' fans. So, they used to 'what' him at the end of every sentence in unision. The origin of this can perhaps be traced to Austin constantly 'what'ing' anybody that disagreed to what he said or to show his strong disapproval and put them off track.
Despite Austin's absence from the WWE, the fans still continue to chant 'what' everytime somebody picks up the microphone.