
WWE Monday Night Raw: 13 October 2014 - Top 5 moments from the week

Hell in a Cell is just two weeks away and the WWE made big strides towards the pay-per-view when they booked one big and one obvious match for the annual show.The John Cena-Dean Ambrose match proved to be a big regret for everyone who missed the show even it was miles away from being a solid bout. However, the result has a paramount significance heading into the future which in turn hid all the flaws that were there.The ‘wrestling’ part of the show was provided by Randy Orton and Dolph Ziggler while the rest of the show was forgettable. Amidst the darkness shined some brightest segments which will make up this week’s list of top Monday night Raw moments.

#5 Orton Rollins confrontation

After a solid match between Rollins and Jack Swagger who had an immense amount of chemistry, WWE put up an angle which gave the fans a peep into the future.

In the match between Orton and Ziggler, Rollins came out and intimidated the Viper to an extent to which Orton gave a fitting reply. He rooted Swagger into the mat with an RKO after Rollins secured his win and the confrontation which followed gives fans a lot to be happy about.

First of all, this means that the face turn of Orton is pretty much in the plans while Rollins being the catalyst ensures some high quality bouts between the two.

Both Orton and Rollins are known to be excellent in ring generals and it would be a treat to see two such men having a good old fight between the ropes. 

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