WWE's most viral Pop culture moments in recent times
WWE is an undeniable part of popular culture. It may be called fake by some or many, it may be called trash by a few, but it can’t be ignored, it still survives. The influence of many wrestlers have gone beyond the realms of the WWE. Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, Ultimate Warrior are some of the few who started this trend.Here are some WWE performers whose influence has been felt in recent times.
#1 Jim Ross\' famous lines
Anybody who’s watched WWE ardently at some point in their lives have one iconic moment imprinted in their minds. That is Mick Foley as Mankind falling off from the top of the Cell. And what accentuated that moment even more was Jim Ross’ commentary and the lines that he uttered were as follows- “Good God Almighty. Good God Almighty. As God as my witness he’s been broken in half”
That commentry was put in during a moment in a basketball match where DeAndre Jordan hit a massive slam dunk which hit Brandon Knight.