
NXT 5th August 2015- 5 points to note

The MVP of NXTThis was a show that started off with a roar but ended with a whimper. They put Bayley vs Charlotte in the beginning and then a terrific interview with Owens right after it. The night ended with the main event being The Gore facing off against Samoa Joe. In retrospect, if they had reversed the order of events on the show, it would have been great. But it was what it was. The biggest highlights if this week's show was Owens’ verbal jabs (as always) and Bayley’s journey to her match at Takeover.Here are the 5 points to note from this week

#1 The Biggest NXT main event

The story continues

So, Kevin Owens proposed a ladder match for the main event of the biggest NXT event ever. And people,Owens is glorious as a promo guy. He said he apologized to Regal after the punch he delivered his way the last time they were in the ring together yet things haven’t really settled between the two. Regal wished that Owens walks out a loser in Brooklyn. This led Owens to speculate a controversy, something on the lines of the Montreal Screwjob. Well, afterall, he’s a Montreal Guy. 

Hence, was born the idea of a ladder match for the main event.

All hail, NXT’s creative team. A

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