
WWE Payback 2015 : 3 Possible Endings for John Cena vs. Rusev Match

The third chapter of the John Cena vs. Rusev saga is all set to unfold at Payback. What started as a lame copy of the Rocky IV scenario has gone on to survive three whole pay-per-views, much to the surprise of the fans and from the looks of it, this might just be the climax that we are dying for.To raise the stakes from the previous outing, WWE has added an ‘I Quit’ stipulation into the whole thing, which from another angle is a desperate move to keep the stale feud fresh. Hopefully, the in ring action would be solid like it has been throughout and here is a look at the possible ways in which WWE could end the match. 

#3 Enter another Anti- American

One of the biggest reasons for Cena still getting cheers in the feud is because of the patriotic strings. No matter which era it is, United States is the biggest babyface that WWE has at their disposal and they have been using it pretty well in the feud. The ‘United States’ championship fits into the puzzle as well.

Assuming that it would be the last chapter of the Cena – Rusev feud, the Cenation leader would need a new opponent once he is done with Rusev. Win or Lose, the next opponent for Cena is a big headache for WWE and the best option they have now is Sheamus. The Celtic Warrior is thriving in his heel role at the moment and would shine if put up against Cena.

Sheamus being an Irishman could help WWE pull off the Anti-American angle as well and since Sheamus knows how to talk, unlike Rusev, it would be more interesting.

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