WWE Raw 16th March 2015- 5 promising developments
The build up to Wrestlemania has, arguably, heated up. Next week’s Raw will be the go-home show. The last episode is expected to be explosive but this week’s episode was no-less supported by a looming stoyline throughout the night. They pulled it off as flawlessly as they did for the go-home show of Survivor Series.The tag team scene still needs some improvement.This show was helped immensely by a very participative Iowa crowd. It was a place where Seth Rollins grew up but despite all of that he was still remained a heel in character. The night will be remembered for the way it ended.Here are the five promising developments for Raw.
#1 Sting! Sting!
The Iowa crowd led a resounding, redoubtable chant at the end of the night. ‘Sting. Sting.’ was all everyone could think of. It was glorious to see him interfere and wash away the Authority well-thought-out plan. Rollins delivered a good performance which unravelled throughout the night with his team and him playing a ruse of showing that everybody had abandoned their spoiled, little brat. Orton was left alone, unmoved with a chair, by the odds only to have Sting make an appearance with his baseball bat. It was enough for The Authority to go scarmbling away.