
WWE Raw - 5 Best Characters going forward to Wrestlemania

While Fast Lane was mostly a good show with a bland crowd. Raw was a good crowd with a bland show. So many things tend to get lost in the three hour shuffle. They could have given the women more than a minute to perform. They could have been less repetitive. But some things rarely, if ever, change. Out of the many good things that might be overcome by an overall bland show are some of the character development that happened on Raw.Here are the five best characters moving on to Wrestlemania

#5 Paul Heyman

Never ignore The Advocate. Never.

Paul Heyman is the most important ingredient in making the main event at Wrestlemania watchable and worth waiting for. Nobody involved in the main event other than him have the art of selling a feud through a promo. Heyman will make you want to watch the main event. Heyman will make you believe that Lesnar is unbeatable even if his end seems to be near and he may just make you believe in Roman Reigns.

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