WWE RAW: 5 Things that could have been better
It was a very underwhelming edition of Raw compared to what Survivor Series had in store, from a hardcore fans’ perspective. But as far as casual fans go,it wasn’t half as bad.If WWE depended on some ruthless aggression or non-Pg era tactics at Survivor series, then they stuck to their PG ways on Monday. They tried to get viewers of both tastes to subscribe to the Network.Here are five things that could have been better.
#1 Daniel Bryan\'s return
Okay, so the Authority left the building but not before Daniel Bryan made his momentary return to WWE television. He was anointed by Cena to bethe GM for this week. And what did he do? He gave Rusev two choices- pledge allegiance to the USA or defend his championship in a Battle Royal and eventually nothing happened. None of the two happened.
Also,the main event consisted of a Handicap match between the team of Cena and Ziggler and Seth Rollins and two other members chosen by the audience. Why oh Why? How does a handicap match help things.
Mostly,it was a way to get jamie Noble and Joey Mercury to be on the recieving end of a beatdown. They were sure that the afns would vote for these two. But to make fun of these technically skilled wrestlers for their size is a bit too much for a hardcore fan to take