
WWE RAW December 29, 2014: 5 Promising Developments

The last Raw of the year kicked off in style with the 5second posers. It was a much better Raw than last week’s show. It had some moments that one would remember for some time to come.That’s not to say that all these memorable moments were good. There were some disappointments as well. But all in all it made 2015 look like a much-awaited year and the Royal Rumble as a much awaited PPV. Here are the 5 promising developments from this week’s Show.

#1 The Renaissance of the Yes Movement

At this point, Daniel Bryan is no longer an underdog but a marquee guy in the WWE. He had a stellar beginning to 2014 only to be marred by injuries. He made his appearance on Raw to address the ‘crossroad’ in his career.

You could feel the speculation in the air. It was all around the arena and on social media. It seemed like he was going to hang his boots and announce his retirement. There was this little ray of hope that it was like Mark henry’s spectacular Swerve last year. And in the end it turned out to be the latter. 

Daniel Bryan is going to be in the 2015 Royal Rumble. The Yes Movement is back on track. He never really lost the titles. 

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