WWE social media: Top 5 backstage promos in July
Some of thebest things in life are free. The same mantra sometimes, strangely, can be applied to the WWE. The backstage promos which they air as an extension to their social media endeavours are free for everyone to watch on Youtube. And they do contain some good to great moments and all of them are mainly promos or interviews.Here are the best of the best for the month of July
#1 Paul Heyman tears away
This is the context of this video- Renee Young interviews Paul Heyman about his opinion on some of the greatest managers in history. She hands him a photograph and asks about the respective managers. Heyman starts off with a compliment to each one of them and then moves on to say why he is better one by one by one.
And then one by one he tears away all of the photagraphs.
The most exciting part for me was the wait to what he had to say about a man he is often compared to- Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan.