
WWE SummerSlam 2014: 5 Superstars who will shine at the Pay-Per-View

 Every week the WWE Superstars are presented with a chance of proving their worth to the fans. These weekly events however only give a platform to show the consistence while it’s pay-per-views like SummerSlam which make legends.Coming in and stealing the show at one of the big four pay-per-views is not an easy task and this is what usually filters out the men from the boys.The show at Staples Centre on August 17 won’t be any different and all superstars would be coming out of that curtain to make a name for himself at the grand stage. Many will fail in efforts but here is a look at some that could succeed. 

#5 John Cena

Now, this might not be a popular choice. However, if we think it through it is the ideal situation for Cena to shine in front of the fans that can’t stop jeering him.

The last feud that Cena had with Bray Wyatt was supposed to give him the platform to bring out the warrior inside him as he was pitted against a monster. Some bad booking and WWE’s unwillingness to give Bray some wins cost that attempt.

Cena looked dominating instead and received a lot of criticism for not putting Bray over when it was not his fault.

 Lesnar on the other hand is an established monster who could bring out the warrior inside Cena without the fear of getting buried. 

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