
WWE SummerSlam 2014: 5 things WWE can do to ruin the pay-per-view

Messing up pay-per-views has been WWEs hobby for some time with Battleground being the latest and most painful addition to that list. The reason why it turned out to be painful was because it was the supposed to be a curtain raiser for SummerSlam.The company has been trying to pick up themselves from the mistakes they made at Battleground ever since but hasnt closed all the loop holes. Some storylines havent been brewed properly while others have beenWith just two weeks away from the pay-per-view, WWE is still on a desperate run to keep the buy rates up and here is a look at some of the things that WWE should avoid if they dont want the fans asking for a refund.

#5 Having No Plan B for Stephanie McMahon vs. Brie Bella match

The company is so high on the feud between Stephanie McMahon and Brie Bella that they let the two divas headline their flag ship show. There was no lack of emotions in the segment that these two had and managed to keep the fans intrigued about the whole thing.

Despite the huge buildup that the match will get, there are certain factors which suggest that the match might end up being a disappointment.

First of all, Stephanie hasn’t wrestled for ten years and might be carrying ring rust than anyone else on the roster. Brie on the other hand is not Daniel Bryan to carry her opponent throughout the match.

This calls for a backup plan from the creative team that might steal the headlines if the match ends up being disappointing.

A turn from Nikki Bella is rumored to be a possible outcome and the company could also have Triple H and Daniel Bryan in the mix if they want to. Not using any backup plans on the other hand would prove costly and waste a well plotted angle. 

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